Deanna’s Writing is Moving!

You’re probably thinking — or saying — “what! Deanna’s moving her web presence again? Gosh golly gee. That woman can’t keep her website in one place for long.” I can hear it already. First, then De’s Stories (Blogspot), then Deanna’s Writing in October 2012 (Hamlet helped me a lot with this one).

Here’s the thing: in the short history of me being a writer I’ve never ever had a website/blog that could properly be optimized. Don’t get me wrong; I’m incredibly thankful for the few loyal people that stop by Deanna’s Writing frequently, but I’m sick and tired of the perpetual lack of views. It has done much more to hurt my confidence as a writer; it’s not worth while for me to promote another author’s work when I can’t offer them greater exposure because I’m severely lacking it myself and, since I’m currently promoting myself as a freelance writer, I need something much more — better –than just a simple blog.

So, I’ve hired a webmaster who is going to create a new website for me; one that I know will carry me through the rest of my career; a website that will accomodate an SEO plugin. Once complete, you will find me at Don’t worry, this blog — meaning all of the content posted on here already — will be transfered over to the new blog which will be factored into  The website should be done within the next two weeks. I will be sure to notify everyone once it’s up and running. At that point, I will encourage you all to stop by, have a look and say hello.

What I won’t do right away on my new website is have guest authors. At least until I’ve built up a sufficient readership. I really hate to do this to my fellow writers, but it’s not fair to you. You deserve so much better in terms of book promotion. That said, once my blog has built up a good readership and decent ranking on Google, I will reopen submissions to guest articles.

I hope to see you on the flip side.


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